Archive for June, 2013


Dark matter, an optics problem?

June 30, 2013

What if the missing matter from our observations of the universe and what physics’ tells us, is caused by gravitational lensing?

Or, insane clowns?

Posted from me on the toilet, or driving


Greatness: a discusion

June 22, 2013

I’ve seen greatness, so have you.

– the perfect 10 in gymnastics,

– an amazing sunset

– birth of your child

– unwavering self sacrifice

but am at a loss for a definition…my breath that gives me words is taken.

Posted from me on the toilet, or driving


Your elected officials see you as dangerous, want you to give up your rights!

June 18, 2013

Safety in a prison, even of our own making, is death to any rational human.

How will we expect our spirits to become hero’s inside a prison of the mind…..created simply to make our govt workers job easier.

Lock us all up!  Then we can be assured our safety and nothing else.

Over the weekend, we came within four votes of the United States Senate giving our Constitutional rights over to the United Nations.

In a 53-46 vote, the senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.  The Statement of Purpose from the bill read: To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from enteri…ng into the United Nations Arms Trade The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been  championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S, and had language that would have implemented an  international gun registry on all private guns and ammo. Astonishingly, 46 of our United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.

Here are the 46 senators/traitors that voted to give your rights to the U.N. Baldwin (D-WI)  Baucus (D-MT)  Bennet (D-CO)  Blumenthal (D-CT)  Boxer (D-CA)  Brown (D-OH)  Cantwell (D-WA)  Cardin (D-MD)  Carper (D-DE)  Casey (D-PA)  Coons (D-DE)  Cowan (D-MA)  Durbin  (D-IL)  Feinstein (D-CA)  Franken (D-MN)  Gillibrand (D-NY)  Harkin (D-IA)  Hirono (D-HI)  Johnson (D-SD)  Kaine (D-VA)  King (I-ME)  Klobuchar (D-MN)  Landrieu (D-LA)  Leahy (D-VT)  Levin (D-MI)  McCaskill (D-MO)  Menendez (D-NJ)  Merkley (D-OR)  Mikulski (D-MD)  Murphy (D-CT)  Murray (D-WA)  Nelson (D-FL)  Reed (D-RI)  Reid (D-NV)  Rockefeller (D-WV)  Sanders (I-VT)  Schatz (D-HI)  Schumer (D-NY)  Shaheen (D-NH)  Stabenow (D-MI)  Udall (D-CO)  Udall (D-NM)  Warner (D-VA)  Warren  (D-MA)  Whitehouse (D-RI)  Wyden (D-OR) People this needs to go viral. These Senators voted to let the UN take our guns. They need to lose the election. We have been betrayed.  46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N.
ALL DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!